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Lynne Gentry
Publisher: Travel Light Press
Pages: 331

Leona Harper loves two things: her family and the small-town church her husband has pastored for the last eighteen years. Now that they're both gone, can she learn to love herself?USA TODAY Bestselling Author Lynne Gentry takes a heartwarming peek at second chances and the well-intentioned folks who inadvertently sabotage them. Come visit the small West Texas town of Mt. Hope for a generous helping of southern humor and hope.When tragedy strikes Leona Harper, the devastated pastor's wife summons her estranged children home. But parenting young adults in the glass house of the parsonage proves more difficult than reinventing herself.Determined to give her broken family a shot at a second chance, Leona begins the painful journey of putting one foot in front of the other. Reconciliation and healing won't come easy in this zany, trouble-filled, hilarious walk-through-grief ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 2,159 ratings