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Charles Jackson
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 387

The title says it all: It's in the Telling: Issues, People and Politics 2008 – 2012. The articles cover a broad spectrum: some are narratives of the recent past and others are as timely now as when they were written. All are lively, informative insightful, and rich in variety, style and tone. Adding to the mix is the spice of "The Georgia Follies: A Satirical Look at Georgia Politics & News." While some of the 2008 - 2012 commentaries are specific to Georgia, most are not. The added 2016 P.S. Presidential Election takes a hard and uncompromising look at the election. Issues - include Afghanistan; Creation, "The ‘God Particle’ Oh Wow!;" Gulf Oil Spill, "Genesis and the Gulf Oil Spill;" Immigration; Islam; Occupy Wall Street; Tea Party, "Tea Partiers Past and Present;" Supreme Court on the Affordable Care Act "God Save the United States and this Honorable Court;" the South, "United States ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 6 ratings