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Charles River Editors
Publisher: Charles River Editors
Pages: 83

*Includes pictures*Profiles important people and conspiracy theories*Includes online resources and a bibliography for further reading*Includes a table of contentsFor decades, parodies featuring ominous, mysterious cults have been a favorite gag in pop culture. These fraternal brothers are often depicted in some type of underground lair, dressed in extravagant ceremonial robes with their faces hidden in their hoods, seated around a long table brimming with Gothic chalices, skulls, and glittering dark treasure. Flicks on the more morbid side might even show choppy, flashing imagery of blood, torture, and sacrifices. Like all art, creativity is sparked by a source of inspiration, and one of the most widely recognized muses of these kinds of scenes is none other than the Freemasons. This ancient society, descended from the ancient culture of stonemasonry, is said to possess the deepest ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 11 ratings