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Steffy Sota
Publisher: Numeracy Press
Pages: 75

I am a ghost writer.In life, I was a Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Hudson University. I was a distinguished feminist scholar who illuminated the female experience through erudite interpretations of classic English literary texts and with literate mystery novels written under the name Miranda Castle.Using chloroform, I committed suicide in my New York City apartment at age 66. I had long held the determination to commit suicide before 70 since my motto was "quit while you're ahead." Like the Epicureans, death had no meaning for me. I was a confirmed atheist. I left no instructions for my memorial, or about what to do with my body: “You can flush my ashes down the toilet, for all I care,” I said.Little did I know there really is an afterlife!I am best known as the author of nine scholarly books including Toward a Recognition of Androgyny, Reinventing Womanhood, and ...
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