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Alexia Purdy
Publisher: Lyrical Lit. Publishing; 1st edition (April 24, 2017)
Pages: 304

Guardians of Fire is book 8 in A Dark Faerie Tale Series. Fate is coming.When the magic of Faerie fractures, the land demands the ultimate price.Hearts will shatter and alliances will be crushed, but one power might just save them all. Follow your favorite Dark Faerie Tale characters once more in another world shattering adventure for the all-consuming quest for power and magic.Books in this series: The Withering PalaceEvangelineEver ShadeEver FireEver WinterThe CursedEver WrathHistory of FireWithout ArmorEver DeadLegends of FireGuardians of FireEver FadeFirst SnowEver Lost - Coming Soon
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 136 ratings