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Cerynn McCain
Publisher: Yeir Publishing
Pages: 522

Nobody returns from the prisons. Everyone knows that. Because everyone knows that the prisons lead to the Telias, and the Telias are just blood baths for The General’s amusement. Christa thought she had come to terms with the death of her mother, who was taken into the prisons over a decade ago. Then an Àraid Elder came out of hiding just long enough to save a prisoner from The General’s grasp. While The General tears apart the Regions searching for his missing prisoner, Christa tears apart herself, and her family, trying to balance her visions and powers with the safety she’s been seeking since she was a child. Her promise to keep the escaped prisoner hidden only makes the visions worse, and she spirals out of control trying to find a way to relieve. As her safe little town unravels at the hand of The General, Christa’s paranoia turns her accusations inward. She starts doubting ...
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5 stars from 4 ratings