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Brandon Varnell
Publisher: Kitsune Incorporated
Pages: 374

The hero’s return home isn’t always triumphant like you see in the movies…Kevin and Lilian, along with their family and friends, return home after their disastrous spring break vacation. Kevin tries to come to terms with the not-so-shocking knowledge that the yōkai world isn’t all humor and tropes. While Kevin is dealing with this newfound knowledge and the loss of his innocence, life returns to normal—what passes for normality when living with a family of kitsune.But when lightning strikes, it likes to strike twice. Too bad for Kevin, the world of yōkai is the same way. He and Lilian will soon learn that the yōkai world isn’t prepared to let them go just because they want to live the life of normal high school students.
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 28 ratings