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Tony Reed
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 252

On a remote island with a deadly secret, adventurer Lincoln Monk and his crew confront a billionaire with devastating plans for global supremacy in Tony Reed's bestselling debut novel, Neptune Island."Cussler fans will love this." Amazon reviewer"...a modern, fast-paced Dr. No." Amazon reviewer"A whole lotta fun!" Amazon reviewer"...villains, henchmen, monsters, earthquakes and explosions: I'm worn out just reading the book." Amazon reviewer Ex-cop turned adventurer Lincoln Monk hasn't been to Saipan Island in some time, and for good reason--he prefers to let old wounds heal. But when he receives an encrypted data drive just days after an old flame dies under mysterious circumstances, he returns searching for answers.With help from an assorted group of misfits, Lincoln begins to assemble the pieces of Sienna's death as a tropical storm engulfs the Mariana Islands. His investigation ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 444 ratings