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A D Critchley
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 158

What would you do?No one wants to be abused. And some of the abused want retribution. The Hexagon Boys are six suffering personalities, who pledge support for one another. But one of their number hides his dysfunction as the unfairness and cruelty of what happened eats into his soul. Two months before their annual meeting he plans to make two priests pay for their abusive behaviour while he was in their care. He becomes engrossed in his plot. Oh yes, it is a plot, devious too, but if it comes off, it will rock the priesthood, the church and the world. The plan makes him ecstatic, beyond anything he’s experienced in his twenty-eight years. It’s a blueprint for retaliation, a blueprint clear and precise. Ecstasy fills his heart, as he imagines the priest’s punishment.It’s a perfect plot too, involving golden haired boys. A delicious treat for two priests. And now it’s time for the plot to ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 7 ratings