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Lisa Gayle
Publisher: Seedtime Harvest Publishing
Pages: 76

Win your war over worry NOW without wasting any more precious years on this fruitless exercise in futility!Imagine your life without worry....what could you accomplish without daily spinning your wheels in the wasteful worrying woes? What if you could wake up each morning looking forward to a brand new day without worrying your way through it - without a heavy cloud of concerns constantly obstructing your vision? Lisa Gayle is a sister, friend, daughter, mom and grandma who shares her true life experiences in this book suitable for reading alone or as a study - ideal as either a personal devotional or for group Bible Study use. With a classic mixture of humor, real life stories, Scripture references and more, this author understands where you are with worry and how to help you overcome it in the here and now.With powerful chapter recaps as well as action guides and discussion questions ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 9 ratings