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David V. Stewart
ASIN: B071G49GH9
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 397

Salvation lies beyond dreams... Newlywed Helga wants nothing more than a life of peace and bliss; instead she finds herself with a husband dying of an unknown illness and no way to save him. When a mysterious old volva comes to town offering a cure, Helga is forced to travel beyond all she knows to the boundaries of the prim, the border of reality, to barter with fay beings for a substance known only as the water of awakening. Helga soon finds that the journey is more perilous than anyone had thought, with danger coming not just from wolves and men, but from wizards, dragons, and twisted creatures beyond imagining. Surrounded by strange magic, but aided by a group of uncanny talking ravens, Helga begins not only to gain the skills necessary to survive her ordeal, but begins to awaken to her true self… and a power long dormant. A new High Fantasy book from David V. Stewart with plenty of ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 31 ratings