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Lelani Black
ASIN: B072J29B1L
Publisher: Littlemoon Press
Pages: 292

Getting hauled out of a ditch in the middle of a hill country rainstorm wasn't how convicted felon, Jadelyn Park, hoped to meet her new boss, winemaker and ex-Army Ranger, Reid Mackey. While he might be knock-you-naked gorgeous, his bad attitude threatens the working relationship she hopes for.Against his better judgement, Reid takes Jadelyn on as a hired hand at his Texas vineyard, even as his gut instincts warn him that this woman and her shady past spells nothing but trouble. What's no secret is the attraction that sizzles like hellfire between them. Her ties to the man who destroyed Reid's family keep him from trusting her, yet he won't rule out seduction. She'll guard her past, he'll guard his heart, and feelings aren't allowed to get in the way of their dirty-sweet hookups.Against his will, Jadelyn and the mystery that surrounds her stirs emotions he thought had been sucked dry ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 4 ratings