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Elodie Nowodazkij
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Pages: 263

The second standalone novel in the YA romantic suspense "Gavert City" series. SEE ME, Try as they might…SEE ME NOT, Tessa and Luke can’t escape their pasts. Six years ago, Tessa Gardner’s sister, Mellie, disappeared. Despite lingering guilt and the never ending desire to find her, seventeen-year-old Tessa works hard to keep it together. Her grades are decent, and thanks to her part-time job, she can help pay her family’s bills. But when her childhood crush, seventeen-year-old Luke Simon, rolls back into her small Texan town, he threatens to topple the delicate balance she created. She’s drawn to him—and the way he makes her smile. He’s the only one who seems to understand her, but he’s got a dark past of his own. Even the fake psychic who swears Mellie is still alive tells Tessa that Luke will cause her pain.Luke Simon knows a thing or two about guilt. He moved in with his uncle to ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 9 ratings