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Michael A. Richards
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 328

A tale of greed, betrayal, and vengeance, CHOICE OF ENEMIES is the first in a series of espionage novels featuring Nathan Monsarrat, a former Central Intelligence Agency operative with an extensive knowledge of Africa and expertise in weapons, women, and Benjamins. Light sweet crude is the mother’s milk of the Niger Delta. As the price for each barrel rises on the international markets and the stakes for securing the black gold increase, a consortium of American oil companies and the Central Intelligence Agency plot to secure the flow of the crude. In Africa, though, plans unravel as quickly as cheap socks, and promises between partners have the lifespan of a mayfly.Nathan, now a dean at a small college in Massachusetts, is visited by his former mentor at the Agency, who offers him a blunt choice: either travel to the Dark Continent to lay the groundwork for the coup d'état, or condemn ...
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5 stars from 17 ratings