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Stella Whitelaw
Publisher: Lume Books
Pages: 257

What could go wrong on a cruise in the sun?Countess Georgina was a beautiful cruise ship, and Casey Jones, the Entertainment Director was looking forward to enjoying the Caribbean cruise on this luxury liner. Casey’s days and nights are an endless stream of introducing guest speakers, placating prima donna singers and organizing feather-clad chorus girls. This is what she expected and what she was ready for. As the first big party on board the ship looms, Casey, dressed in her finest, prepares to ensure the passengers stuck to their allocated sittings. It was common for people to want to attend both the first and second sitting. But there was no getting past Casey!When Mr Foster collapses and dies at table two at the second sitting, his death is attributed to natural causes, a heart attack. Dr Samuel Mallory, the Cruise Doctor attends, and is instantly drawn to the new Entertainment ...
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4.5 stars from 14 ratings