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Josephine Pullein-Thompson
Publisher: Lume Books
Pages: 174

The village doesn’t seem so safe anymore…In the villages of West Wintshire, deep in ‘Horse and Hound’ territory with their colonels, captains and brigadiers, a good-looking, rich and horsey young man keels over at a cocktail party and dies. Taking a dislike to the Master of Foxhands, Mark Broughton, local Inspector Hollis immediately singles him out as the murderer and leaves it at that. The situation gets ever more complicated when Mark’s alcoholic wife, Clara, is found dead in her bed the following evening.Nan swears no visitors came to the house over the weekend and Marks is left once again as the only suspect… Enter D.C.I. James Flecker of Scotland Yard, whose amiable and unkempt appearance belies the fierce intelligence that suffers fools not at all. Jealousy, blackmail and infidelity runs rife throughout the village.Everyone appears to have a motive for murder.It’s finding an ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 32 ratings