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Liz Isaacson
ASIN: B073Z841VS
Publisher: AEJ Creative Works (October 13, 2017)
Pages: 212

She's a workaholic. He's restless waiting for her. Can Ben and Rae make an age-gap relationship work when he's the eager golden retriever and she's a black cat in this small town reverse grumpy sunshine cowboy romance?Cowboy Ben Buttars is the youngest of the four Buttars brothers who come to Steeple Ridge Farm, and he finally feels like he’s landed somewhere he can make a life for himself. At only twenty-five, and having been cared for by his older brother when their parents died a decade ago, Ben’s never dated, never had a serious relationship, never really worried about anything.Reagan Cantwell is a decade older than Ben and the recreational direction for the town of Island Park, five miles from the farm where Ben works. When she visits him to discuss a partnership between the farm and the recreational department, she likes a lot more than just his horse. But she’s practically ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 1,451 ratings