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Antonio J. Hopson
Publisher: Wildboy Concepts Publishing
Pages: 317

Poetic prose meets action. Love meets the rocks. The devil meets phenom sailor Robin Mac Bradaigh, aka "Mac," a young, fiery, unapologetic sailor who refuses to be pushed around by a fleet of scoundrels. Nefarious is a fictional account of real-life sailboat racing; literary, funny at times, sexy and poetic. A handbook of human drama and competition. Max Rigby falls for Mac, the pit-girl from S/V Nefarious, a sailing vessel that lives up to its name. The woman who has awakened his heart is the fleet's most fierce sailor, but Nefarious carries a dark reputation, and Max soon finds himself caught up in a sailing race that is as dangerous as it is thrilling.
Amazon Rating:
3.5 stars from 47 ratings