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L.E. Harrison
Publisher: ; 3rd edition (September 21, 2017)
Pages: 414

What if you’re a shapeshifter, but don't know it?Book two in the award-winning contemporary fantasy trilogy about a tribe of shapeshifters in northern Maine, USA.On a cold October morning in Blackwater Hills, Samuel Singleton steps outside to do his morning chores and is whisked through a portal into the domain of the witch goddess known as the Shadowlands.On a cold October evening, Cadie Maxwell, a priestess newly sworn to the Sacred Order, follows what she believes is the will of the gods and flees the only home she has ever known on a quest to find the truth about Corvus's Sacred Law—a law that demands that every male cursed with shapeshifting powers must be executed. Cadie arrives in a small town called Ashland. There she meets Jonathan and Sarina Lance, who are desperate to locate their missing father, best-selling novelist J. Lance Sr..On a mission to rescue J. Lance Sr., Cadie ...
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5 stars from 10 ratings