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Tulasi Acharya
Publisher: Bhudipuran
Pages: 207

Deepak comes to America immediately mesmerized by the immensity of its abundance. After leaving Nepal, his plan is to make his fortune in the land of opportunity. He quickly learns America is more than he bargained for, especially his newfound "friends." He questions whether he can even survive, much less succeed, in this new country until he finds an unexpected, unlikely love."This novel sees America through the eyes of a visiting student from Kathmandu as he struggles to make a life in his new land. At times, the novel is funny, other times moving, as the protagonist comes to realize the American dream, not in the country's wealth, but in its people. Importantly, this story gives us insight into the immigrant experience and the difficulties and joys of adjusting to a new culture."Anthony Grooms, authorTrouble No More and Bombingham
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