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Ronald Williams
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 27

This book is going to cover the steps you need to take in order to survive a wildfire in your area. Wildfires are far more dangerous than most people realize. They tragically kill nearly 340,000 people a year worldwide. That’s an astonishing figure and I myself couldn’t believe it when I first read it.That’s also not to mention the billions of dollars of devastation they cause every year as well.You may believe that surviving a wildfire is simple: just run away from it and don’t inhale any of the smoke.In reality, there’s a lot more to surviving a wildfire than just that.This book will cover the following tips on surviving a wildfire: •The Basics of Surviving a Wildfire •Assembling an Emergency Wildfire Survival Kit•Surviving a Wildfire on Foot•Surviving a Wildfire When You Are Trapped In Your Vehicle•Places to Avoid During a Wildfire•Final TipsBy the end of this book, you will know ...
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5 stars from 1 rating