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Mark O'Neill
Publisher: Obsessed With Books
Pages: 350

Long-Lost Nazi Gold. A Deadly Conspiracy. A Race Against Time.A national election in Germany threatens to turn deadly when Nazi gold is stolen from its secret hiding place. With right-wing extremist terrorists about to turn the election into a bloodbath, it falls to Captain Sophie Decker and her elite Department 89 spy agency to step in and stop the lawlessness. Will the terrorists succeed in getting their man into the Chancellery? Or will Decker and her team stop them in time? And what secret is the Chancellor's opponent so eager to hide from everyone?For a story of non-stop action and suspense, buy the award-winning spy thriller The Reichsbank Gold now, and realise THE PAST IS NOT FINISHED YET.Praise For The Prequel, "The Renegade Spy"."If Die Hard would have had a female lead, Decker would have been it"."Sophie Decker is my newest favorite heroine"."This book is the sort of book that ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 55 ratings