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ASIN: B075X3737M
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services
Pages: 182

About the author:Devayu (author) is an IIM-Ahmedabad graduate and an engineer from NIT-Surat.ABOUT THE NOVEL:A Long Distance Relationship Story in the backdrop of an engineering college.Few Details:1) PROXY: Filled for five friends but forgot one's own2) VIVA: Smoked and drunk but still cracked it3) Group Discussion: Topic- 'Woman on the Top'4) DROPOUT: Still invited as a motivational speaker at his collegePLOT:Neil met Avani-the girl who saved him from committing suicide few years back.Soon they were connected through Facebook.On day one, she revealed her plan to leave India for higher studies.But still their conversation continued.He told her about his college life while she talked about her friends.One day, he surprised her by dropping to her place and professing his love.What will Avani do now?
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 180 ratings