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Lisa Hunter Smith
ASIN: B0763K67CG
Publisher: Ladbroke Grove Press
Pages: 129

Welcome to the self-care resistance! This practical, surprising and hopeful book offers 365 prompts — one for every day of the year — that are perfect for daily self-care and reflection, tempered with just the right amount of snark, audacity and defiance to see us through the Era of 45.I can’t be there to hold your hand, brew you a nice cup of coffee and say that everything will be alright. But what I can do is provide you with the tools to address the despair, panic and tragedy that Trump's election and daily nightmare circus begets. We are living in an exceptionally unpredictable time, the Era of Trump. And in these uncertain times, practicing self-care is more critical than ever. For the next four years we face the daily struggle of choosing between the desire to hide under the covers or being informed, engaged and living our lives determined to be our better selves. This book is NOT ...
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3 stars from 11 ratings