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by Loreen James-Fisher
ASIN: B0767F448C
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 357

Daphne Germaine grew up in a household learning how to trust others and give of herself to assist when and where she could. These shared qualities, along with Jackson Campbell’s charismatic personality, caused her to change her view of him from a childhood foe to the man that won her heart. She had been convinced that the same values and life goals would keep them together, unaware of his dishonesty. As Jackson’s lies and selfishness came to light, she realized that her hopes of a happily ever were shattered because the man she thought she married was not who she was married to. She finds herself in the middle of situations that she had never fathomed as a wife and a woman of integrity due to Jackson’s duplicitous ways. Her journey is mixed with ignorance, naivety, endurance and personal enlightenment as she learns how Jackson’s actions have reached far beyond her. From the author of ...
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4.5 stars from 11 ratings