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Steffy Sota
ASIN: B07771VJW5
Publisher: Numeracy Press
Pages: 41

I am a ghost writer.In life, I won numerous awards including the prestigious Peabody Award twice and several Emmy Awards--as well as the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1981. I received the News World International Lifetime Achievement Award in 2003 and the 2004 Harry S. Truman Good Neighbor Award from the Truman Foundation.I pioneered and then mastered the role of television news anchorman with such plain-spoken grace that I was called the most trusted man in America.I became something of a national institution with an unflappable delivery, a distinctively avuncular voice, and a daily benediction: “And that’s the way it is.” I was "Uncle Walter" to many: respected, liked, and listened to. With my trimmed mustache and calm manner, I even bore a resemblance to another trusted American fixture, another Walter — Walt Disney.As anchorman and reporter, I described wars, natural disasters ...
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