K.C. Sivils
ASIN: B0777T8H4C
Publisher: Amazon.com Services LLC
Pages: 284
Ever been in prison? Taken a trip to a moon?Both are dangerous places.They are even more dangerous when someone wants you dead.Inspector Sullivan and his team are assigned the task of solving the baffling murders of a Corrections Officer and an inmate. Crimes with no witnesses, no motive, and almost no evidence.Sullivan knows danger waits on Persephone, the prison moon, and murder is just the beginning. Betrayal, deception, and corruption all await the Inspector and his team.Augmented humans, individuals with computer hardware and software integrated into their bodies, and a pair of advanced Artificial Intelligence life forms all play a role in the deadly game of cat and mouse where more than just human life is at stake.Clones, prison gangs, and powerful outside forces all have a stake in the outcome of Sullivan’s struggle to find the truth.Join the Sullivan; help him fight the good ...