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Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 111

Hurry up and get YOUR copy today for 2.99 only❗ Regular price at 6.99❗Ielts Writing Task 2 Samples: Over 50 High-Quality Model Essays for Your Reference to Gain a High Band Score 8.0+ In 1 Week (Book 10)!Are you finding task 2 writing difficult and struggling with it?Are you looking for a book that helps you achieve an 8.0+ in an effortless way?Would you like to have a book that provides you high quality samples for your reference to gain a band score 8.0+?If your answer is “yes” to these above questions, then this book is perfect for you.This book is well designed and written by an experienced native teacher from the USA who has been teaching IELTS for over 10 years. She really is the expert in training IELTS for students at each level. In this book, she will provide you over 50 high quality model essays to help you easily achieve an 8.0+ in the IELTS Writing Task 2, even if your ...
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