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T. A. Cline
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 133

“I became paralyzed with fear. Tears started to run down my cheeks as I sat motionless on the bed facing the locked door.”Patty had slowly opened up to Bob. She thinks she might be falling in love with him. Even so, he has gone back to New York, and she has not heard from him in two weeks. It is another loss for her. First, her mother died when she was young, and then her husband, Matt, was killed in Afghanistan. She has lost all that were close to her. All but her dad and he is her rock. He is the one that gives her strength.In, The Christmas Gate 2, Patty’s life becomes like a roller coaster, with the ups and the downs. She loses, and then wins, only to lose again. Then Patty is rocked with an emotional bombshell. She tries to gather herself together, then only another heartbreak again.She resigns herself to wait at the old farm house until Bob returns to her. She unleashes what Bob ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 7 ratings