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Nicholas Jordan
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 255

One werewolf wants her as his mate. The other will do anything to protect her.In the blink of an eye, 17-year-old Demi's entire world changes forever when she learns that the father she never even knew is really a werewolf, which makes her half-werewolf. And he's not just any werewolf, but the Alpha of his pack.As if that wasn't hard enough to deal with, she's also being hunted by a pack of werewolves, whose leader is intent on forcing her to become his mate in order to take her exiled father's place as Alpha. Demi's only chance to escape is to put her fate in the hands of a total stranger. A quiet and mysterious werewolf named Tobias, who swears to protect her and bring her to her father.But is he really who he claims to be? Can she trust him? Under the circumstances, does she even have a choice?Will Demi and Tobias reach her father before the pack catches up to them? Will she learn to ...
Amazon Rating:
3.5 stars from 7 ratings