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Jeffrey Hall
ASIN: B077XP12Q8
Publisher: (December 3, 2017)
Pages: 368

Enter into the world readers are calling Stranger Things meets The Hobbit in the jungle. " of my favorite reads of 2017." -Alec Hutson, bestselling author of The Crimson Queen. Irtha Vimbi's entire life has been spent protecting her brother, a boy with magic capable of reshaping the world. Hunted and sought for his blood, Irtha must keep him hidden and defend against the killers who seek him. The life of a guardian isn't easy, but she has found dangerous ways of coping with those threats. But when her brother's power is released and they can no longer hide, Irtha and her brother set out to find a new home in the City of a Thousand Faces, a place that can fulfill anyone's dream so long as they are willing to pay its price. Together they must stay one step ahead of their hunters on a road through a jungle where unimaginable predators lurk, plants can speak, and the canopy grows so ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 32 ratings