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Harry Storrar
ASIN: B078983THK
Publisher: Unblinkered Press
Pages: 240

IT’S NOT ABOUT THE VAN is Harry Storrar’s account of a year spent making multiple trips around Spain with his Belgian wife Laura in their curious camper van, Bambi. After his friend Jeremy described Bambi’s initial north to south journey in THREE MEN IN A VAN, and Geoff followed it up with the extremely imaginative story of his solo adventures in ONE MAN IN A VAN, Laura thought it only right that Harry should complete the cycle by writing a book of his own, with her inestimable assistance. After an initial trip to the western part of the Sierra Morena, Harry prepares Bambi for the rigours to come and in spring Jeremy joins him for a jaunt through Extremadura. Summer sees Laura and Harry exploring Cantabria and Asturias, until an inspired Geoff arrives on the scene to accompany them on the final leg of Bambi’s epic travels, a straightforward return journey from Galicia to Malaga, or so ...
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5 stars from 1 rating