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M D Shamburger
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Pages: 110

I so enjoyed creating the first edition of the Louisiana Things Cookbook that I set my mind to writing this second edition. The first effort—Recipes and Anecdotes from the Louisiana Things Kitchen—focused a lot on Cajun classics and distinctive recipes that our family cooks mostly on special occasions. Included therein were recipes for Christmas candy and other holiday treats. It occurred to me that there are dozens of recipes that we routinely prepare in the Louisiana Things Kitchen that are not particularly special (although they are quite delicious). In fact, each and every day we cook a yummy and nutritious meal, even if it is just Lucille and me eating. It is my hope that this little cookbook will inspire a bit of creativity in the reader’s culinary exploits. Minimally, I hope that it can help answer the nagging question: What are we cooking tonight?
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5 stars from 1 rating