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Aspen Grey
ASIN: B0796957K9
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 146

Separated by distance, but brought together by fate…Cole has it all. The looks, the bod, and the prestige of being partner in one of the top law firms in Los Angeles. The one thing he doesn’t have? A mate. But with an endless stream of omega’s throwing themselves at his feet – who needs one? ColeKeiran has nothing. No friends. No family. No future. He’s been working at a brothel since he ran away from home, doing whatever it takes – whoever it takes, to survive. But one night, after a particularly horrible customer, Keiran decides he’s fed up, quits his “job” and buys a one-way ticket for Los Angeles. Cole was just looking for another fun night out at the club, and Keiran was just looking for an alpha who could pay. But when Cole lays eyes on Keiran, and catches a whiff of his scent – it’s undeniable. Cole has something in mind for the sweet omega, and it’s more than just a one-night ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 51 ratings