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Phil Tucker
Publisher: (January 30, 2018)
Pages: 233

Against all odds, Jarek and Acharsis have succeeded in their mission, and now they reap the whirlwind. With countless assassins and guards on their heels, they have but one hope: make common cause with their ancient enemy, the empire of Magan, before Irella can launch her invasion. But that hope lies hundreds upon hundreds of miles away, over the Great Chasm, across the eternal Golden Steppe, and past the Demon's Teeth. And even if they survive the journey, they'll then have to face their most lethal challenge yet: to convince the immortal lamassu gods of Magan to rise and face the greatest army of the dead ever marshaled. Unpredictable, fast paced, and packed with memorable characters, Trial of Kings is a gripping tale of revenge replete with demons, ancient magic and a high stakes heist. Grab your copy today!
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 253 ratings