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Jake Evans
Publisher: unknown
Pages: N/A

Dean was back in the Big Apple for some much-needed advice. His life was spinning out of control and he was risking his personal life and the reputation of his Clan. He is a bear shifter and one that has yet to fully gain control of his gift. Realizing that he needed a break from college and football, he decides it might be best to seek guidance from other Clan members.Baron is more than happy to see his brother, but can tell he is unhinged. He tries to help Dean control his unpredictable shifts, but it all blows up in his face when he falls for a human that the two shared a past with. Will Dean able to clean up his act so he can pursue his dream to be a professional athlete? Or will a lack of discipline put him on a one-way train to nowhere? For your enjoyment, you will be receiving fourteen gay steamy stories
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