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Samantha McKay
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 477

A LOVE LIKE NO OTHER. LITERALLY.Amanda Price is blissfully happy in Austen’s beautiful world. Engaged to marry the literary man of her dreams, and living real-time in her own, never-ending, BBC period drama, she did not dwell on how it all came to be. Amanda figured that somehow she was born in the wrong century and the Universe had finally unbuggered it all, flinging her back to the early nineteenth century. This explained why she was so obsessed with Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice, and, of course, Mr. Darcy. HER Mr. Darcy, who loved her just as she is. The fact she was living in a lap of luxury with servants at the great estate of Pemberley, which made Downton Abbey look like a Barbie Doll house, was also bloody fantastic.It all seemed all so incredibly impossible to be true, yet, impossibilities kept on happening. Until the one possibility happened to bring it all crashing down. To ...
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4 stars from 20 ratings