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S.A. Tholin
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Pages: 585

When miners on a remote colony dig too deep, the golden age of space exploration comes to a bloody end. A corruption springs from the alien soil, possessing every mind it touches. The galactic community, already embroiled in civil war, panics. In order to preserve Earth, all human life is purged from its surface, and all further deep space colonisation is outlawed.Aboard one of the last colony ships, Joy Somerset slumbers in cryostasis, unaware of corruption and war. She awakes stranded on Cato - a planet whose menacing sands seem to share a hunger with the crazed locals.Commander Cassimer, who has dedicated his life to fighting the corruption, leads his elite strike team to Cato to recover a clandestine starship. On this storm-lashed world, surrounded by shadow and ruin, Cassimer faces not only failure, but the loss of what little sanity he has.Joy and Cassimer must trust each other ...
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