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Matt Clayton
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 122

Captivating Stories about Greek Gods, Goddesses, Heroes, and MonstersIt can be challenging to find a comprehensive collection of Greek myths considering the number of versions and translations available. However, look no further as you have found a book that includes many of the most popular Greek myths in an easily accessible format. The purpose of this book is not only to introduce you to Greek mythology but also to captivate your attention and imagination so you can relive the tales of the most fabulous Greek gods, goddesses, heroes, and monsters.Within this book, you'll find the following Greek myths and topics coveredIn The Beginning: The Creation of the World, and the Titan-Olympian WarThe Rulers of OlympusPrometheus and EpimetheusThe Birth of the MusesThe Olympian Gods and GoddessesThe House of Atreus and the Trojan WarOdysseus’ Long Way HomeOdysseus’ HomecomingAgamemnon’s ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 37 ratings