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Debby Drake
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Pages: 85

Against all odds, two unlikely lovers must overcome a universe that is hell-bent on destroying them both...Since his capture on a strange planet of fierce warrior women, Captain Rick Hernandez of the USSA has had to live the life of a prisoner of war, under very unusual conditions. In a planet ruled by women, the roles are reversed. Used and abused by the guards in ways he would never have imagined and preferred he forgot, Hernandez doesn't have much of a say, and his current plan was to patiently bide his time and wait for a prime opportunity to make his escape.What he definitely didn't count on was meeting Yoshiri, a green-eyed, drop-dead gorgeous officer with the amazingly long hair. One look was all it took and they both knew their lives would never be same again. It would have been perfect, but there was just one major snag.Yoshiri was beholden to the Queen.Yoshiri was Queen ...
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4 stars from 15 ratings