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Jessica Mann
Publisher: Lume Books
Pages: 175

Something is waiting deep in the jungle... Former undercover agent Tamara Hoyland thinks she’s left murder and mayhem behind when she retires from the British government’s secret department E to return full time to archaeological work. Then botanist Louise Dench turns up dead in the Brazilian jungle, apparently by suicide, and Tamara can’t shake the feeling that there’s more to this pair of slashed wrists than meets the eye... Praise for Jessica Mann: "Instinct with history, enthrallingly intricate, this is a stylish mixture of period pastiche and a lethal twist-and-turn treasure hunt. Mann rings the maximum entertainment from each, and her lively and literate Tamara Hoyland is fast becoming crime fiction’s most beguiling sleuthess.” The Times Jessica Mann was born in London, England in 1937. She studied archaeology at Cambridge University and Law at Leicester University. She ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 13 ratings