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Evan Grace
Publisher: Crave Publishing LLC
Pages: 244

It was supposed to be a harmless blind date—but it ended in a one-night stand when Shayla up and left in the middle of the night without a wink or a wave.I didn’t think I’d see her again…until I walked into my office and met our new employee—none other than the curvy brunette who had rocked my world.The more she fights the attraction between us, the more determined I am to make her mine. Not even the ghosts from her past have the power to stop me from wanting her.There’s a threat hiding in the shadows, a danger whose only goal is to ruin Shayla. But I’ll go through hell and back to keep her safe from harm, to protect her.She’s mine...and not even the devil himself will take her from me.
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 123 ratings