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Cindy Davis
Publisher: Enigma
Pages: 386

Paige sees her fiancé murder his associate. And he knows she saw. Paige Carmichael must’ve had a premonition that her life was about to take a turn for the worse.One of the books she read was How to Change your Identity and Hide from Anyone.Then she saw her fiancé murder his best friend and associate. And call in one of his flunkies to remove the body. This wasn’t what she signed up for when she agreed to marry Stefano Santangelo. Sure, she knew he was in the mob, but he’d sworn it was numbers running and things like that.Not about to leave the four-year relationship without something to show for it, Paige takes one of his precious antique coins and $750K from his safe, and runs. She changes her hair, her walk, the kinds of foods she eats. Yet, he keeps finding her.One day she meets Christian Charles Beauchamps. Her savior. He’s driving a truck to make money to open a landscaping ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 90 ratings