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Nicholas Randall
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Pages: N/A

The lights go out, the power shuts off, cars crash, and all electronic devices cease to work. In the blink of an eye, the world has gone dark and cold.This is what will happen as a result of an EMP attack on the United States. We will have been officially thrown back to the Stone Ages, and things could remain that way for ten years.During that time, over 90% of the population will die from starvation, dehydration, disease, murder, and suicide.The only question is: are you prepared?That’s why I decided to write a series of in-depth books that discuss the specifics on how to get prepared for an EMP attack like I’ve just described.The purpose behind these books is to help educate people who are new to disaster preparedness, people such as yourself, on concepts you can easily apply in your own life so you can become more prepared for EMP attacks and other disaster.For the next book in the ...
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