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Matt Clayton
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 122

If you're looking for a collection of Celtic myths that speak to all ages then keep reading…Giants and fairies, druidical magic, impossible deeds done by heroes: all of these are features of Celtic myths and legends.In this book, you will discover heroic stories about gods and goddesses and epic tales of love and betrayal all filled with spiritualism and even occasional humor.The Celtic myths will be brought to life so all the details are more than merely a bunch of dry facts. Celtic Mythology: Captivating Celtic Myths of Celtic Gods, Goddesses, Heroes and Legendary Creatures includes stories such as:The Children of LirThe Birth of CuchulainnHow Cuchulainn Got His NamePwyll, Prince of DyfedThe Story of Culhwch and OlwenThe Romance of Tristan and IseultAnd more!So if you want a collection of engaging Celtic myths that can cause some people to scream for more as oppose to falling asleep ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 128 ratings