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Lázaro Droznes
Publisher: UNITEXTO Digital Publishing
Pages: 34

Through humor, the Jewish people were able to preserve their dignity and feel that they were still human beings, despite all the Nazi attempts to destroy in them every vestige of humanity. Jewish humor is a way of processing pain and suffering. In that magical moment in which the flash of a joke appears, hunger disappears, the soup kitchens, forced labor, typhus, the dead on the sidewalks, the black market, meal cards, deportations to the East and the endless sufferings experienced for one reason only: to be a Jew. Humor could transform pessimism into optimism. Resignation into hope. Present into the future. Through humor the Jewish people have performed their supreme work of sabotage: survival. It has prevented their weaknesses from being stronger than their strengths. Humor is the secret weapon of the Jewish people. The Nazis have not understood it because the Nazis have not had a ...
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