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Anne M. Mikolay
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 96

Pennsylvania, 1860: Assailed by grief, spirited Sarah Neumann tries to hold her family and her heart together as she begins life without her beloved mother. In Mama's absence, Sarah does her best to care for her father and her twin sisters; she is shocked when Papa announces his plans to celebrate Christmas before the family's official mourning period ends. Sarah's world is turned upside-down as her sisters happily prepare for the holiday and challenge Sarah's steadfast belief in tradition and consistency. Sarah is inconsolable until an unlikely, new friendship helps heal her heart, and a miraculous occurrence teaches her that those we love never truly leave us.In the tradition of Louisa May Alcott's Little Women, Christmas at Stone Creek is a coming-of-age story featuring a head-strong, independent 19th century young woman making her way in life. Period details and colorful imagery ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 4 ratings