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Katerina Winters
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 217

Stalked by two men she trusted. Stolen in the dead of night, forced to submit to her captors.  Obsession  College student, Everly Pengram, was trying to turn her life right side up again. Heartbroken, pregnant, and alone in a new town, Everly just wanted a fresh start.  Abducted Lured by her smile and driven by need, two brothers will stop at nothing to have her. It was supposed to be a simple bank robbery, get in and get out. With one look at her, plans changed. After years of searching, they finally found the perfect woman, and they weren’t going to let her get away.  Enslaved  Ensnared by their strong, gentle hands, they demanded everything from Everly. Taking her freedom and forcing her submission, the two tyrants would stop at nothing until they claimed her heart.  From the author: This is a forbidden stand-alone romance about a young pregnant woman captured and whisked away by two ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 143 ratings