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Robin Knight
ASIN: B07F614QS2
Publisher: Squid INQ Press
Pages: 182

♥ Gay Rom-Com♥ Opposites Attract♥ MM SeriesWedding bells are ringing for novel-writer Matt and his billionaire boyfriend Cal. But as the pair prepare for their big day on Italy's idyllic Amalfi Coast, the arrival of an unexpected guest threatens to unravel their romance before anyone can say 'I do'.Italy’s Amalfi Coast, overlooking the sparkling Mediterranean Sea, is the dream location for the perfect wedding, and billionaire Calvin Croft is determined to pull out all the stops to make his marriage to Matt Darcy a day that nobody will forget.But before Matt and Cal can walk down the aisle and say ‘I do’, someone uninvited turns up out of the blue… and turns Cal’s life completely upside-down. Will Matt ever get to marry the man of his dreams? Will Cal be able to come to terms with his past and get on with his future? Or will an unwelcome guest put their romance on the rocks ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 208 ratings