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Shawn Basey
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Pages: 277

Four years of dining, wining, and finding live music is a lot, especially when it's paired with a constant curiosity and a nose eager to get into the behind the scenes history of a city. In this book, I share my discoveries and proclivities so that you can have an easier and better time visiting. This includes using the transit, the best and weirdest museums, and which restaurant has the tastiest goulash.Whereas the print version has tons of pictures, the Kindle version does lack them, in order to keep it a small download. However, it has tons of useful links to Google maps and to restaurant and cafe websites, making it super easy to navigate the city. Best used on a Fire, the Kindle phone app, or a tablet. The regular Kindles can't use the links, however, the phone app is free.
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 1 rating